101th post!
i've been emo-ing quite abit this year, straddling between happy-happy posts and not so happy ones. Feeling quite (alot) stressed bout the NUS H3 exam now. It's on wednesday and i only started on saturday. 10 sets of powerpoints isnt that little to study as i had earlier thought. 3 more sets to go through before i sleep tonight. Then tomorrow can just go through tutorial questions and the online forums. Seriously hope i can tahan manz. The past 2 days i just gave up near the end of some lecture notes coz i cant concentrate anymore.
Since im already ranting, i might as well continue. OMG..i really think my english sucks. Im starting to get all pessimistic again. Worrying about how im wasting time through GP lessons this whole year, how im gonna catch up with all the tutorials, what if i dun do well in the A levels (ie 4 As at least..dunno bout gp), what if i do badly in my H3 exam etc etc. Plus..i've suddenly thought about how i havent really had a period of time where there's like nothing to concentrate and worry for this year. As in...first, it was SATs..immediately after that there's all the tests and SPAs etc, then came syf so i put aside all my work. After 2 days of rest and trying to catch up with my tutorials, i've put aside all school work again and panicking and chionging for H3 exam. Then after that it'll be preparing for dance nite and once that's done, i can start worrying bout SATs again. By that time, one semester would be gone...and i can start preparing for common tests and A levels. Cant remember a time when i could really relax abit. But not that that's a bad thing right...im probably being emo-ish again. Plus i guess that's J2 life after all. Was complaining to my mum about it just now..and she was like..luckily u are not free/bored or something to that extent. Haha...guess that's true too. I dun like having nothing to do...but at this moment, i think there hasnt been any time for breaks at all so far...and i think i need one. Hehehehe..hopefully.. can go hk during june!! But then see right..once i get back it'll really be chionging for CT2. Sad.
On another note...HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMES!! Haha..same day as shakespeare somemore.
Alright then...gtg back to H3 notes. 3 more sets to go!! If i concentrate and stay awake..hopefully can finish by 2/3 plus. But i havent been able to last that late for quite a long time already. To think last time sec 3 and 4 i could sleep at 3 and wake up at 6 for a few consecutive days. Alright..better go. Gd nite!
i've been emo-ing quite abit this year, straddling between happy-happy posts and not so happy ones. Feeling quite (alot) stressed bout the NUS H3 exam now. It's on wednesday and i only started on saturday. 10 sets of powerpoints isnt that little to study as i had earlier thought. 3 more sets to go through before i sleep tonight. Then tomorrow can just go through tutorial questions and the online forums. Seriously hope i can tahan manz. The past 2 days i just gave up near the end of some lecture notes coz i cant concentrate anymore.
Since im already ranting, i might as well continue. OMG..i really think my english sucks. Im starting to get all pessimistic again. Worrying about how im wasting time through GP lessons this whole year, how im gonna catch up with all the tutorials, what if i dun do well in the A levels (ie 4 As at least..dunno bout gp), what if i do badly in my H3 exam etc etc. Plus..i've suddenly thought about how i havent really had a period of time where there's like nothing to concentrate and worry for this year. As in...first, it was SATs..immediately after that there's all the tests and SPAs etc, then came syf so i put aside all my work. After 2 days of rest and trying to catch up with my tutorials, i've put aside all school work again and panicking and chionging for H3 exam. Then after that it'll be preparing for dance nite and once that's done, i can start worrying bout SATs again. By that time, one semester would be gone...and i can start preparing for common tests and A levels. Cant remember a time when i could really relax abit. But not that that's a bad thing right...im probably being emo-ish again. Plus i guess that's J2 life after all. Was complaining to my mum about it just now..and she was like..luckily u are not free/bored or something to that extent. Haha...guess that's true too. I dun like having nothing to do...but at this moment, i think there hasnt been any time for breaks at all so far...and i think i need one. Hehehehe..hopefully.. can go hk during june!! But then see right..once i get back it'll really be chionging for CT2. Sad.
On another note...HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMES!! Haha..same day as shakespeare somemore.
Alright then...gtg back to H3 notes. 3 more sets to go!! If i concentrate and stay awake..hopefully can finish by 2/3 plus. But i havent been able to last that late for quite a long time already. To think last time sec 3 and 4 i could sleep at 3 and wake up at 6 for a few consecutive days. Alright..better go. Gd nite!
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