just came back from tsparanza--rj orientation o8 and im really glad i went back. Loads of j3 ogls, other j3s and even j4 ogls went back to crash. I think many people are suffering from school withdrawal symptoms. Anw this year's orientation stuff like the skits are damn horny but really funny...and when was cross dressing allowed? All in good fun i guess. Also, did the sun and rain dance, sang the skool song and cheered and ahh..i really miss being an ogl and school alot! K photos..
ogl skit
there's a heart shape somewhere
Yesterdae had og dinner with lambada before shaun goes off to the army. Im really proud of lambada! 16 people turned out in total. Beat that! Anw..played cards, taboo and relived laudeamus days with orientation games like king kong kang kong and i never. Haha..i killed everyone by saying ," I've never been to skool this year." Anw it's been a wonderful and fulfilling experience being part of Lambada. Thx for being so enthu throughout orientation and even for a long time after by meeting up at the lodge. I luv LAMBADA!!

Yesterdae had og dinner with lambada before shaun goes off to the army. Im really proud of lambada! 16 people turned out in total. Beat that! Anw..played cards, taboo and relived laudeamus days with orientation games like king kong kang kong and i never. Haha..i killed everyone by saying ," I've never been to skool this year." Anw it's been a wonderful and fulfilling experience being part of Lambada. Thx for being so enthu throughout orientation and even for a long time after by meeting up at the lodge. I luv LAMBADA!!

Got my cambridge results and it's bittersweet i guess. Didnt get into clare college but got conditional to newnham instead which btw is an all-girls college. Still have time to decide...and im really thrilled to have gotten an offer...but am i ready for another 4 years of ij and rg like environment? Anw there's still time...and results and scholarship left to think about. We'll see how.
Now im still waiting for the call from pub...hopefully i'll get the job soon and start earning some money and keeping my brain from wandering.
Gtg...all the best to the guys going off to army and hope the girls have fun earning money/ enjoying this hols/ get accepted into the unis they want. Good luck.
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