Yesterday, hui, rachel, sab, aik xin and i celebrated chiam's birthday at ecp. To think she almost didnt make it for her surprise celebration coz of guitar. So hui and rach decided to tell her. Anw the group of us reached east coast macs earlier with the cake and had lunch. Suddenly chiam called and said she's outside macs, so we were panicking and rushed aik xin(the surprise) away with the cake. Then aik xin came out and surprise chiam. Chiam...happy anot?? Anw the cake wasnt in the best state coz of the way it was swung ard along the way and being subjected to the heat. And one candle is broken as well. From what ax and rach say, the top layer of the cake isnt very safe to eat actually. We couldnt finish the cake. So we played zong ji mi ma. Haha..i never zong4 at all but poor sab kenna 3 times.
After that it was too hot and we were too full to cycle. So went upstairs to pool. Sab was very high throughout pool, think eat too much cake already. After playing the spot the difference computer game thing, went down to cycle. But...it looked like it was going to rain, so went to the arcade. Played puzzle bobble with sab and lost quite badly =( The rest also played this fighting game..dunno how to play also anyhow whack.
After arcade, went down, see not raining already so rented dbl bike with rach. But after cycling for 45 minutes or so it started raining again. Left the bikes at the shop and went off to the beach to play since we were already wet.
love all of yall=)
ahh....my favourite...
the evolution of man------------------------------umbrella=technology
macho man!!
me, rach and ax having cheap thrill siaming the waves...and umm...traffic light colours=)
after that see quite late already. So hui and I went to the bedok hawker centre for dinner while the rest had to zao. Shared 8 zhui kway and carrot cake. Eat until i damn full. After that, took the train home, watched tv then sleep la. DANIELLE WON AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL!
Yesterday was one of the best days i had recently. No rush or schedules. Just doing whatever we like, running around in the rain. Especially at the beach where it's so spacious, kinda gives u this carefree feeling. Anw yesterday was great, esp hanging out and catching up with all of yall! Too bad kelly and angela couldnt go. But luv ya all still the same=)
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