Omg..i cant believe after chionging for so long and so many practices for op the last few weeks, pw's finally ended. more PI, EOM, I&R, written report and OP!! Reached school at 7am yesterday yesterdayfor OP. Having the moderators wasnt that bad actually. THink it was only 2 other school teachers. Anyway the presentation went quite okay, no major screwups or anything. And i think everyone including the examinors and moderators enjoyed our song quite abit. It's a brainwashing song anyway.Haha...loads of thanks to clara's group for swaying along to our song and making me laugh till i couldnt sing. But at least it proves that we engaged the audience. Haha...thx manz! But Q and A was quite sucky for me coz i couldnt even remember the question he asked so i just crapped something out. Wanted the question boyle got. But ohwellz...think i didnt sleep enough the night before. Kept thinking about the presentation.'s over!!!
After that was suppose to go for PW group outing...but we had 3 other girl crashers and boyle didnt go. So it ended up as a half of the class girls' outing. We had lunch at taka, with some people eating alot of balls "insider joke"..what chicken, octopus etc. After that some of us went to watch step up. Saw alot of RG people in town including quite a few juniores coz they collected their results. THe theatre was quite filled with RG people as well, especially at the back making alot of noise. Overall i think the movie's okay though many think it's very good. Maybe coz i watched quite a number of such shows already, like ice princess and basically all the stories are about the same. Also, i think there could have been more dance in the show, but that's just my preference. I still think centrestage's the best dance movie so far.!!

Rock on girls=)
Rockers =)
We love Ronald McDonald!
Ronald McDonald has big feet!
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