eat bread...drink coffee

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

today im really exhausted from dance and my back hurts for once...hey..that means we're training hard rite. But training was fulfilling anw. Last prac...go girls!!

anw im attempting to write more than one line coz cher says that the only thing i ever write- one liners. Hey cher!! u reading this? Haha.

So what's been going on? more scholarship interviews. They've been fun actually, quite an interesting experience talking to all the interviewers. And i've met a great bunch of people (uh-humcompetitorsuh-hum) at the various assessment centres. But no..seriously, there's one good part of this whole process. Yet, still no scholarships after 4-5 weeks. Im really hoping for the best. A few more weeks to go. **Ahh...screams!!**

other things...there was rg gym concert last friday. Omg we're sec 7! Anw went with aster, mel and zx. Havent met the former 2 since prom. Let's have Y-A-M-Z gathering again soon ya!! Ok picture too lazy to write much now..

my juniors are pro

dan ren 05

Y-A-M-Z (not in order)

ok im tired alr. Gotta push myself through another day of work again and im not looking forward to it coz there's nothing to do at the moment. It's not fun to surf the net for 8 hours straight.


  • At 7:33 pm, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hey, this is Edward from the PUB assessment round. Was searching on google for updates rgding the application, and I came here. Anyway, have u heard anything from them?

  • At 4:22 pm, Blogger cher said…

    hey you YES i'm reading! (: :D

  • At 11:26 pm, Blogger [-yihui-] said…

    Hi Edward!

    sry i didnt see the comment. Normally i'll just check out the tagboard. When did u post this?

    Nah..didnt hear from them after the assessment centre. Oh well. How bout u?

  • At 11:27 pm, Blogger [-yihui-] said…

    haha Cher! Im typing another essay now. Hopefully my gp hasnt deproved that much. Anw miss yall dancers so much!!!

  • At 10:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 10:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    i posted this a few weeks ago :P
    same here, i didn't get through to the final round. they told me i was selected for the final round at first, then defected the week after. :(

  • At 1:49 am, Blogger [-yihui-] said…

    oh no...sry to hear bout that.
    Anw do u have a blog??

  • At 2:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    nah i don't have a blog.. wouldn't have time to manage one anyway. in fact i just returned from camp.

    oh well, do you have msn or something?


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