today's my first day as a happily unemployed person and such a momentous occasion definitely deserves a blog post. Anw it wasnt really happening coz all i did was wake up real late, go for medical checkup for the scholarship and then come home and slack the rest of the day away. Oh, how can i forget bout my first blood test ever (at least as far as i can remember). Not fun. Injections aren't exactly something im nonchalant about. Other than that, nothing much happened and i didnt have the mood to shop either which in one way or another is a good thing coz jobless= no money.

Anw italy/switzerland with the gals was really really fun. Great scenery, great food and most importantly great company. The other tour members were really friendly and caring towards us group of overly noisy and photocrazy xiao-meis. Most importantly, our tour guide dennis was really good with his many stories of pickpockets, travel, past experiences as a tour guide and very importantly, how to get past the airport personnels if ur luggage is too heavy. His dedication really made the trip especially interesting and memorable for all of us i must say.
I shan't describe too much bout the trip now. Hopefully i'll write more bout the day to day stuff some other time for memory sake. But so far, i have yet to do one for any of my trips in the past few years. We'll see how. But for now...just some pictures that i have at the moment till i get more from the rest.
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