Tuesday, April 24, 2007
haha..im done with the notes already!! Seems like the dining 'room' is a good place to mug after all. Shall go sleep now =D
Monday, April 23, 2007
101th post!
i've been emo-ing quite abit this year, straddling between happy-happy posts and not so happy ones. Feeling quite (alot) stressed bout the NUS H3 exam now. It's on wednesday and i only started on saturday. 10 sets of powerpoints isnt that little to study as i had earlier thought. 3 more sets to go through before i sleep tonight. Then tomorrow can just go through tutorial questions and the online forums. Seriously hope i can tahan manz. The past 2 days i just gave up near the end of some lecture notes coz i cant concentrate anymore.
Since im already ranting, i might as well continue. OMG..i really think my english sucks. Im starting to get all pessimistic again. Worrying about how im wasting time through GP lessons this whole year, how im gonna catch up with all the tutorials, what if i dun do well in the A levels (ie 4 As at least..dunno bout gp), what if i do badly in my H3 exam etc etc. Plus..i've suddenly thought about how i havent really had a period of time where there's like nothing to concentrate and worry for this year. As in...first, it was SATs..immediately after that there's all the tests and SPAs etc, then came syf so i put aside all my work. After 2 days of rest and trying to catch up with my tutorials, i've put aside all school work again and panicking and chionging for H3 exam. Then after that it'll be preparing for dance nite and once that's done, i can start worrying bout SATs again. By that time, one semester would be gone...and i can start preparing for common tests and A levels. Cant remember a time when i could really relax abit. But not that that's a bad thing right...im probably being emo-ish again. Plus i guess that's J2 life after all. Was complaining to my mum about it just now..and she was like..luckily u are not free/bored or something to that extent. Haha...guess that's true too. I dun like having nothing to do...but at this moment, i think there hasnt been any time for breaks at all so far...and i think i need one. Hehehehe..hopefully.. can go hk during june!! But then see right..once i get back it'll really be chionging for CT2. Sad.
On another note...HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMES!! Haha..same day as shakespeare somemore.
Alright then...gtg back to H3 notes. 3 more sets to go!! If i concentrate and stay awake..hopefully can finish by 2/3 plus. But i havent been able to last that late for quite a long time already. To think last time sec 3 and 4 i could sleep at 3 and wake up at 6 for a few consecutive days. Alright..better go. Gd nite!
i've been emo-ing quite abit this year, straddling between happy-happy posts and not so happy ones. Feeling quite (alot) stressed bout the NUS H3 exam now. It's on wednesday and i only started on saturday. 10 sets of powerpoints isnt that little to study as i had earlier thought. 3 more sets to go through before i sleep tonight. Then tomorrow can just go through tutorial questions and the online forums. Seriously hope i can tahan manz. The past 2 days i just gave up near the end of some lecture notes coz i cant concentrate anymore.
Since im already ranting, i might as well continue. OMG..i really think my english sucks. Im starting to get all pessimistic again. Worrying about how im wasting time through GP lessons this whole year, how im gonna catch up with all the tutorials, what if i dun do well in the A levels (ie 4 As at least..dunno bout gp), what if i do badly in my H3 exam etc etc. Plus..i've suddenly thought about how i havent really had a period of time where there's like nothing to concentrate and worry for this year. As in...first, it was SATs..immediately after that there's all the tests and SPAs etc, then came syf so i put aside all my work. After 2 days of rest and trying to catch up with my tutorials, i've put aside all school work again and panicking and chionging for H3 exam. Then after that it'll be preparing for dance nite and once that's done, i can start worrying bout SATs again. By that time, one semester would be gone...and i can start preparing for common tests and A levels. Cant remember a time when i could really relax abit. But not that that's a bad thing right...im probably being emo-ish again. Plus i guess that's J2 life after all. Was complaining to my mum about it just now..and she was like..luckily u are not free/bored or something to that extent. Haha...guess that's true too. I dun like having nothing to do...but at this moment, i think there hasnt been any time for breaks at all so far...and i think i need one. Hehehehe..hopefully.. can go hk during june!! But then see right..once i get back it'll really be chionging for CT2. Sad.
On another note...HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMES!! Haha..same day as shakespeare somemore.
Alright then...gtg back to H3 notes. 3 more sets to go!! If i concentrate and stay awake..hopefully can finish by 2/3 plus. But i havent been able to last that late for quite a long time already. To think last time sec 3 and 4 i could sleep at 3 and wake up at 6 for a few consecutive days. Alright..better go. Gd nite!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
It's my 100th post!!

ESTHER..sit-down partners...hehe

Haha..we were excused from school the whole day. So while everyone else were having civics, geog, GP, physics, chem etc we were dancing away in the hall..with AIRCON!! Had prac that morning which was much better than monday's. On monday a few people watched and lao shi asked them for comments. And after what they said, lao shi was like...RJ students expectations very high...very good...nobody gave a single good comment. Haha...mei2 you3 ren2 gei3 yi2 ju4 hao3 hua4. Anyway...after prac it was lunch, 3 hours of make-up, last minute run through of the dance again and then we were off!
Shall make it a happy one then =D
Im lazy to type out all the stuff about syf now coz my brain's crammed with all the h3 stuff.
So..picture time!!
Sunday Prac before Syf.
everyone so hardworking..so early...the dance studio not even open yet
3/5 of "little kids"
esther wanted me to take a pic of her flipping over dawn. Cool right. Imagine 12 pairs of people people doing that at the same time..COOL RIGHT =D
Before SYF (Tuesday Morning)
Haha..we were excused from school the whole day. So while everyone else were having civics, geog, GP, physics, chem etc we were dancing away in the hall..with AIRCON!! Had prac that morning which was much better than monday's. On monday a few people watched and lao shi asked them for comments. And after what they said, lao shi was like...RJ students expectations very high...very good...nobody gave a single good comment. Haha...mei2 you3 ren2 gei3 yi2 ju4 hao3 hua4. Anyway...after prac it was lunch, 3 hours of make-up, last minute run through of the dance again and then we were off!
see..dancers do eat okay! Got chicken wing somemore
leap, spin, point, split, pose, twirl, kick, flip, jump, soar, glide, WU3
make up time
i like this pic! Sit-down ppl again =))
failed attempt at ban-tui-ing
Smile! Aiyoh..nicolette! That face again. Hehe
Wei wei lao shi and me!
After SYF
Well Done everyone!!On the bus DIRECT to VIVOCITY!
The Hair
Queuing for FREE ben & jerry cone
Extremely picture intensive post!
To think i spent 2 hours on this post when i shld be studying for h3 test. Well i am actually...just alot alot slower. School again tomorrow! Right...back to urban land use and development. Gd nite=))
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
We did it! OMG! I was with esther and cheng gong outside the LT and started screaming and jumping around when we got the message. =)) =)) OMG!! All the hard work have finally paid off. The long practices, late nights, blisters, bruises, tears. I really love all u gals alot alot! Cant help but give a big hug to all the syf chinese dancers i see along the corridors.
Thank you WEI WEI LAO SHI!!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
syf is in 9 days!
But what i need now is not dance, but a break from dance. Some may argue in protest with what i just said, but i think some may also agree that we're getting really tired and burdened by dance now. Practises are like a routine ..like oh..there's dance again. Sian lah. The urge and should i say, passion to dance is somewhat disappearing already.
Im really thankful for this weekend break. I dunno if it's good or bad that the syf dance and "qi-da-da, ba-da-da" counting keeps reappearing in my head, when im stoning, or before i sleep. But i'd better enjoy the rest of today coz tomorrow's back to reality again. Im sorry if this may sound "wet-banketish" to any of the chinese dancers who read this. I guess we've worked so hard for so long. There's only this short period of time left. Cheng1 xia4 qu4 ba4!! Jiayou.
Im done with my nus assignment!!
But what i need now is not dance, but a break from dance. Some may argue in protest with what i just said, but i think some may also agree that we're getting really tired and burdened by dance now. Practises are like a routine ..like oh..there's dance again. Sian lah. The urge and should i say, passion to dance is somewhat disappearing already.
Im really thankful for this weekend break. I dunno if it's good or bad that the syf dance and "qi-da-da, ba-da-da" counting keeps reappearing in my head, when im stoning, or before i sleep. But i'd better enjoy the rest of today coz tomorrow's back to reality again. Im sorry if this may sound "wet-banketish" to any of the chinese dancers who read this. I guess we've worked so hard for so long. There's only this short period of time left. Cheng1 xia4 qu4 ba4!! Jiayou.
Im done with my nus assignment!!
Saturday, April 07, 2007
467 words to cut before im done with my NUS assignment.
Die die i'll finish it tonight, or at most tomorrow morning coz im going out tomorrow evening with hui! Though it's just walk around abit, eat dinner, but then i really need it.
Just surfed the net and MIT seems to have a good urban planning program. But it seems so far away and unreachable. Like i cant imagine myself being there. Dont think my results will get me there and really, what's my chances of a scholarship? But i dun really want to stay in Singapore.
Okae..back to my assignment. Bye
Die die i'll finish it tonight, or at most tomorrow morning coz im going out tomorrow evening with hui! Though it's just walk around abit, eat dinner, but then i really need it.
Just surfed the net and MIT seems to have a good urban planning program. But it seems so far away and unreachable. Like i cant imagine myself being there. Dont think my results will get me there and really, what's my chances of a scholarship? But i dun really want to stay in Singapore.
Okae..back to my assignment. Bye
Think alot of us are really burn out already and really need this weekend break. The past week was really tiring. Had dance everyday. And once dance ended, reach home, eat dinner, surf net abit and then sleep. Repeat that routine 5 times. Good friday was basically spent in school as well. But im not the worse off. At least i slept quite alot these few days. Some of the others still gotta bother with admin stuff, dance nite stuff etc.
Anyway, i actually enjoyed staying at home the whole day today. Went for dental at orchard early this morning. I put my appointment early coz i tot had dance, but then dance got cancelled >_< Anyway, by the time i was done, the shops were all closed so just came home straight away. I miss the popiah at taka! Wanted to get it but it was still close. So, came home, slept for 3 hours then here i am. Trying to complete my NUS assignment today so i can sort of relax tomorrow.
Btw, CTs results arent bad for me actually, considering i only spent one week studying for them. ACBCA. Missed B for gp by 1 and a half marks and A for physics by 2 marks. But i couldnt and didnt really bother to find the extra marks. Oh yes...can people dont complain and whine when they get 90 over marks, like OMG wasted this and that. Many people including me have never and may never ever achieve that in RJ. So please...!! There's nothing really wrong with being unsatisfied and striving for perfection. But sometimes i think one really should be happy with what they've got esp if they're are good grades. And DONT complain in front of others that they're not satisfied, what wasted this, careless here etc especially if the rest didnt do too well. It's really irritating sometimes. If i was ever guilty of that im sorry. But then again..i've never gotten 90 plus!
Tomorrow's resting day again =))) Bye.
Think alot of us are really burn out already and really need this weekend break. The past week was really tiring. Had dance everyday. And once dance ended, reach home, eat dinner, surf net abit and then sleep. Repeat that routine 5 times. Good friday was basically spent in school as well. But im not the worse off. At least i slept quite alot these few days. Some of the others still gotta bother with admin stuff, dance nite stuff etc.
Anyway, i actually enjoyed staying at home the whole day today. Went for dental at orchard early this morning. I put my appointment early coz i tot had dance, but then dance got cancelled >_< Anyway, by the time i was done, the shops were all closed so just came home straight away. I miss the popiah at taka! Wanted to get it but it was still close. So, came home, slept for 3 hours then here i am. Trying to complete my NUS assignment today so i can sort of relax tomorrow.
Btw, CTs results arent bad for me actually, considering i only spent one week studying for them. ACBCA. Missed B for gp by 1 and a half marks and A for physics by 2 marks. But i couldnt and didnt really bother to find the extra marks. Oh yes...can people dont complain and whine when they get 90 over marks, like OMG wasted this and that. Many people including me have never and may never ever achieve that in RJ. So please...!! There's nothing really wrong with being unsatisfied and striving for perfection. But sometimes i think one really should be happy with what they've got esp if they're are good grades. And DONT complain in front of others that they're not satisfied, what wasted this, careless here etc especially if the rest didnt do too well. It's really irritating sometimes. If i was ever guilty of that im sorry. But then again..i've never gotten 90 plus!
Tomorrow's resting day again =))) Bye.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
it's really odd how i can always think that there's no work to do, and then suddenly find out at the last minute that there's a long list of work left.
So here's the stuff i have to do by tonight, and i just realised it about 5 minutes ago:
maths tutorial (3 more questions)
chem spa skill d
read through geog notes and write some stuff down so mr lee wont scold
start on my nus assignment (at least find a site to research on).
Sad...but oh wellz.
Today went to jurong again to watch the national figure skating championships. Havent been there in months. Shall blog bout that another time. Anyway later came home and had this urge to bake. So made some chocolate chip cake bar thing...with help from betty crocker again.
Rite...maths awaits.
So here's the stuff i have to do by tonight, and i just realised it about 5 minutes ago:
maths tutorial (3 more questions)
chem spa skill d
read through geog notes and write some stuff down so mr lee wont scold
start on my nus assignment (at least find a site to research on).
Sad...but oh wellz.
Today went to jurong again to watch the national figure skating championships. Havent been there in months. Shall blog bout that another time. Anyway later came home and had this urge to bake. So made some chocolate chip cake bar thing...with help from betty crocker again.
Rite...maths awaits.