Wednesday, January 30, 2008
despite all the mugging..
my 18th year was one of the best i've had.
the next year is gonna be quite different i guess
but i hope it'll be even better or just as good as the last
and on a side note..
i wonder if one year from now i'll be here in singapore or a few 1000miles away in uk/us.
Anw thanx to all my frens and family who made the past year especially memorable.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
i just want to commemorate this very significant day of my life
the 1115th and last day of wearing braces for me. still jobless.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
im bored
i still havent started work
i miss my frens
im addicted to dvds
i hardly slept earlier than 3am the past week
and i just realised my mum knows that
my teeth hurts
and the braces are coming off this week!!
i still havent started work
i miss my frens
im addicted to dvds
i hardly slept earlier than 3am the past week
and i just realised my mum knows that
my teeth hurts
and the braces are coming off this week!!
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
just came back from tsparanza--rj orientation o8 and im really glad i went back. Loads of j3 ogls, other j3s and even j4 ogls went back to crash. I think many people are suffering from school withdrawal symptoms. Anw this year's orientation stuff like the skits are damn horny but really funny...and when was cross dressing allowed? All in good fun i guess. Also, did the sun and rain dance, sang the skool song and cheered and ahh..i really miss being an ogl and school alot! K photos..
ogl skit
there's a heart shape somewhere
Yesterdae had og dinner with lambada before shaun goes off to the army. Im really proud of lambada! 16 people turned out in total. Beat that! Anw..played cards, taboo and relived laudeamus days with orientation games like king kong kang kong and i never. Haha..i killed everyone by saying ," I've never been to skool this year." Anw it's been a wonderful and fulfilling experience being part of Lambada. Thx for being so enthu throughout orientation and even for a long time after by meeting up at the lodge. I luv LAMBADA!!

Yesterdae had og dinner with lambada before shaun goes off to the army. Im really proud of lambada! 16 people turned out in total. Beat that! Anw..played cards, taboo and relived laudeamus days with orientation games like king kong kang kong and i never. Haha..i killed everyone by saying ," I've never been to skool this year." Anw it's been a wonderful and fulfilling experience being part of Lambada. Thx for being so enthu throughout orientation and even for a long time after by meeting up at the lodge. I luv LAMBADA!!

Got my cambridge results and it's bittersweet i guess. Didnt get into clare college but got conditional to newnham instead which btw is an all-girls college. Still have time to decide...and im really thrilled to have gotten an offer...but am i ready for another 4 years of ij and rg like environment? Anw there's still time...and results and scholarship left to think about. We'll see how.
Now im still waiting for the call from pub...hopefully i'll get the job soon and start earning some money and keeping my brain from wandering.
Gtg...all the best to the guys going off to army and hope the girls have fun earning money/ enjoying this hols/ get accepted into the unis they want. Good luck.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Saturday, January 05, 2008
yay! met up with zhixu today after like 1 month? Haha..can u imagine..the last time we went out together was last last year. Time flies ah. was great meeting up with u too! Maybe i'll go back to rj one day to disturb u.
Anw, yesterdae was damn fun! Had 6q class outing once again...this time not to orchard, not to marina area..not to skool..but to kallang leisure park! Turn out was pretty good actually..10 ppl in total. At least my 30 odd smses didnt go to waste. Anw..We met at kallang mrt and then went to pastamania for lunch. After that..went ice skating..then met up with toffa and aminah..then bowling and then dinner at old airport road hawker centre. not sounding fluent today..but that pretty much summarises the activities. then:
the skaters
our very christmas themed scoreboard.
the bowlers
geogers with mother earth! 2 of them in fact
the girls <333

all blacks...

and colour.

finally..girls will be girls!!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
today was pretty fun. Dragged myself out of bed at 9am and went all the way to jurong to skate. First time im using public transport as an adult and i go all the way from pasir ris to and fro. Expensive la..heart pain. But anw..put on my skates and skated for the first time in almost one and a half years. Met leonard there as well..and im glad im still able to land axels quite well and dbl sal..well somehow..anyhow. But i've lost much of my flexibility already..cant really do alot of other stuff like layback and biellman..not that i could do them well in the past. Anw..stamina's gone down loads but im actually happy that i got muscle ache for the first time in months. At least it shows im exercising some bit. Tmr ice skating with the class again. Want to have as much fun as i can before i start working.
Later..went all the way back to pasir ris, rot ard awhile before going out again to meet the gals. Too bad sab sherri and angela couldnt come. Was suppose to watch national treasure but they were either sold out or the timings were not right. So we headed off to aji tei for dinner. And's not a merger btw ajisen and sushi tei. Sat there, had dinner and talked for close to 2 hours. Aiyah..most of them got jobs already la. Im one of the lazier one already. Soon soon...still waiting for the person to call me. Anw..realised that im not alone in missing school alot ALOT! Not so much the studying..but more of seeing our frens everyday, in the morning, in between lessons, during lessons, after school. I really miss my frens alot. Like some of them were can get really boring at work sometimes when u dont really have people to talk to. It's just the start of the new year...but im already excited and elated everytime i have a date with the girls or others. We must meet up again ya! we come..MUST MUST!!

here's the new years eve post. Haha..wonder when i'll get down to doing a us trip post. Last year's taiwan one didnt turn up.

Anw...spent the earlier part of 311207 finishing up uni app for stanford before going out with the family for seafood dinner at amk. Ahh..finally. Been wanting to eat seafood since the end of As. Anw..ordered the usual...butter crab, chilli crab, cereal prawn, sambal kang kong, fried tofu, claypot tofu and rojak. Shiok la.

After that, got a lift down to raffles city to meet the classmates for new year countdown. We walked all the way to padang only to find it pretty empty at ard 8pm. Placed our mat on a nice spot, set up the candles and ipods complete with speakers and sat down to play cards for the next 4 hours. Nadz brought donuts and ivan baked peach pie. And there was this little girl who kept coming over to join us. But sadly i dun really understand kids talk.=( Before u know it...the fireworks started. We couldnt hear the music nor the countdown from where we were. But it was fun to bask in the celebration atmosphere.

After the thing, we hung ard for awhile waiting for ppl to disperse. But by 1240 it was still damn crowded and we had to squeeze our way through. But thx to beejuan who pretty much dragged us through the crowd, we got out of there quite quickly. Then after that, james, beejuan, jia en, yiyan and i went to chijmes, found a pub or something, sat down, had some drinks and rotted for awhile while waiting for the trains to be less crowded. Later, the group of us went to james house and played tong xiao mahjong again. We're such gamblers. Anw played with money for the first time..and im proud to say i won the most money at $4.30!
Later that day..went to toa payoh to meet my mum to do our hair. It's pretty good that i didnt sleep at all the previous nite coz i sat in the salon for close to 4 hours and had absolutely nothing to do. Anw at least it was worth it's so much neater.
So that's about it for new year celebration. It was real great way to end 2007 and start 2008...with good frens and loads of fun!