im 18!!
My 18th birthday has seriously been the best birthday i've ever had so far.Much thx to L'ambada, hui, chiam, sabbie, rachel, kelly, angela, tania, zhixu, aster, 6Q, chinese dancers and everyone else who wished me happy birthday for making this day one that i wont ever forget.
Firstly, i really reallly want to thank L'AMBADA for all the efforts and trouble that went into my celebration. Reached school quite early today and hui was like...why u come so early, u're not suppose to see the cake, or something along that line. Anyway my co-ogl shaun then came along and told me that there was a MT ogl meeting at the pac red wall. To think i really believed him. A meeting at 7.10am. Anyway...walked to the pac and this was what i saw...

in the middle of the empty red wall area while L'ambada waited upstairs. Plus they pasted HAPPY BIRTHDAY YIHUI on the floor!

Soon, hui, rachel, sab, rachel, kelly, angela and tania came along and surprised me with another cake! Thx hui for baking the cake yeah! and the kopi-peng too! Thanks guys! Really glad we're still close frens after so long!

Too bad there was assembly. So we had to quickly pack up and then go.
Anyway, classes were normal. Ms ooi atually commended us for being well-behaved today, like having our notes on the table and stuff. Haha...jokes manz. Btw, thanx to 6q-ians who wished me happy birthday today. Plus xiao chu and gang for ur present and amanda, steph, toffa, nadz, aminah, yishi, clara and boyle for the notebook, shirt, earrings and the photo!! I finally have a notebook now! No more confusion over when all our tests are gonna be!
Celebrated weiwei laoshi's birthday during chinese dance prac today as her birthday's tomorrow but we wont see her till friday.
After dance prac, went for dinner with L'ambada at swensons before coming home. At home, celebrated my bday again with my parents.
So that's how 31 Jan 2007 passed. The last year had been great. The coming year is gonna be tough, but i hope i'll still have many fond memories from it. Thx once again to everyone who made my today such a wonderful day for me.